The Benefits Of Celery Juice

The power of green juice

I am excited to write this blog about celery juice and share my journey with you. Celery juice has many health benefits when used regularly, as someone who has stuck with it for two years I can state that this is in fact the truth. I can honestly say this is at the top of my list of things I recommend consuming daily if you are striving for a healthier diet. In conjunction with an active lifestyle and overall Wellness in all other dimensions, this is the perfect way the start your day!

The beginning 

My best friend introduced celery juice to me just over two years ago. It originated from Anthony William (the medical medium), who claimed it’s supposed to help with several medical problems and works as a natural remedy. She explained how it’s done wonders for her! In conjunction with an overall healthier diet and lifestyle, it has helped clear her skin, no more heart palpations, no more dry eyes, less bloating, less anxiety, OCD, and mood swings. In addition, it has aided her hair growing back due to hair thinning out. That’s some seriously great benefits from one drink!

Why not try it? 

As a health nut, I am always excited about trying new things to improve my health and diet. I am slightly skeptical about these benefits, but I trust her judgment. Since I never really enjoyed the texture of celery, I decided to try the juiced version. 
I had to give it a shot! 

Week 1 & 2

The first week was rather interesting. It was a new taste that I had to get used to. I woke up craving salty celery juice on the fourth or fifth day! I headed to the kitchen and was on a mission to juice my celery to quench my thirst. It was something like a phenomenon. Surprisingly, I ended up enjoying the taste after all.


The first couple weeks of enjoying my celery took my body some getting used to. The juice detoxed my body and bowls—more frequent bathroom trips, which I wanted. I had been suffering from constipation for years and often relied on laxatives. It was as though my bowls had been woken up. That was the first change I noticed. It was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. 

Week 3 & 4 

By the third and fourth weeks, I continued drinking my juice every morning. Feeling refreshed, revitalized and energized. Some additional changes in my body were happening! Celery contains compounds like polyphenols and flavonoids, which may have anti-inflammatory properties that could be beneficial for reducing inflammation in the body. I had been suffering for many years from chronic migraines. They had gotten so bad at times. I’d suffered for three days straight and eventually ended up in the emergency room for relief. I had a prescription from my doctor to help get rid of migraines. That only sometimes worked.

 It was a life changer for me when I had gone several days since my last headache/migraine. I remember thinking, could drinking celery juice be my saving grace?

Additional great benefits 

After the first month and beyond of celery juicing, I noticed some additional great benefits. Since celery juice has alkalizing properties, I rarely experience acid reflux anymore. My stomach was feeling better, and I saw less bloating. My skin started looking smoother, and the eczema on my elbows went away. Last but not least. My hormones weren’t all over the place anymore. They were where I expected them when my cycle was happening. I need to find out exactly why. Maybe it was because I was no longer suffering from constipation. It’s fascinating how much our bowls control our moods. I am thankful to have found something that works for me.

Healthy Habits

I would say that creating a morning routine that works for you is imperative. Drinking freshly juiced celery is more concentrated and retains natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It took me some time and discipline to wake up and make my celery juice fresh each day. Once I was in the swing of things, It was effortlessly. To incorporate the healthy habit of celery juice into your morning, you’ll only need to carve out an additional 10 minutes.

How to juice?

Time for Celery juice!

 I always have my celery washed and ready to go for the morning. You can buy prewashed and cut celery at select stores. Or you can purchase stocks of celery and do the preparations yourself. Either way would work great. The precut and washed ones are usually more expensive than the stocks. Stocks of celery cost less but take time to prepare. You can choose what is more important, time or money. I switch back and forth as I aim for convenience. It usually depends on where I am shopping that week.

Do you have a Juicer?

Since you have your celery ready to go, you need a juicer. I strongly suggest the Omega MM900HDS Medical Medium Slow Masticating Celery Juicer. This juicer is fantastic. I made the mistake of opting for a cheaper model when I started juicing. It lasted me just shy of a year and then busted on me. Please don’t make the same mistake as me. Invest the extra couple hundred dollars on this reliable juicer. Also, the good thing is you can do so much more with your juicer than just making celery juice. There are hundreds of different recipes you can try with your Omega juicer!

How much juice? 

The amount of celery juice recommended by medical medium is 16oz. The Omega juicer container comes with measurements on it. The recommendation is to drink it first thing in the morning and wait 15-30 minutes before you consume anything else to let the celery juice fully absorb. 

Some potential Health Benefits of Celery Juice:

  1. Hydration: Celery is rich in water, making celery juice a hydrating beverage that helps maintain proper fluid balance in the body.
  2. Antioxidant Properties: Celery contains antioxidants, such as flavonoids and vitamin C, which may help neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
  3. Digestive Health: Some individuals claim that drinking celery juice on an empty stomach can improve digestion by supporting stomach acid production and promoting overall gut health.
  4. Reduced Inflammation: Celery contains compounds like polyphenols and phytosterols, which have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  5. Heart Health: Celery is a good source of potassium, a mineral associated with maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and supporting cardiovascular health.
  6. Alkalizing Effects: Celery juice is often believed to have alkalizing effects on the body, helping to balance pH levels and reduce acidity.
  7. Skin Benefits: The vitamins and antioxidants in celery juice might contribute to healthier skin by promoting collagen production and protecting against oxidative damage.
  8. Weight Management: Celery juice is low in calories and can be a refreshing addition to a balanced diet, which may be helpful for those seeking to manage their weight.
  9. Kidney Health: Some proponents suggest that celery juice can have a cleansing effect on the kidneys and support their natural detoxification processes.
  10. Immune Support: The vitamin C content in celery juice may contribute to overall immune system support.
  11. Liver Support: Celery contains compounds like coumarins that may help stimulate liver function and aid in detoxification processes.
  12. Anti-Bloating: Some individuals find that celery juice can help alleviate bloating and promote a flatter stomach due to its diuretic properties.
  13. Blood Sugar Regulation: Preliminary research suggests that celery extract may have antihyperglycemic properties, potentially helping with blood sugar control.
  14. Bone Health: Celery is a source of vitamin K, which plays a role in bone health and may contribute to maintaining strong and healthy bones.
  15. Natural Diuretic: Celery juice’s diuretic nature may support kidney health and help flush out excess fluids and toxins from the body.
  16. Reduced Cravings: Some people report that drinking celery juice regularly helps reduce unhealthy cravings for sugary or processed foods.
  17. Anti-Cancer Properties: Celery contains compounds like apigenin, which has shown potential in early research for its anticancer effects.
  18. Nerve Calming: Celery juice contains minerals like magnesium, which may help calm the nervous system and promote relaxation.
  19. Enhanced Athletic Performance: The hydration and electrolytes found in celery juice might aid in maintaining performance during physical activities.
  20. Improved Sleep: Some individuals claim that regular consumption of celery juice can lead to improved sleep quality and better rest.

Possible side effects of celery juice:

While celery juice is often promoted for its potential health benefits, there are some potential side effects and considerations to keep in mind, especially when consuming it daily. Here are a few possible side effects:

  1. Gastrointestinal Distress: Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort, bloating, or gas when drinking celery juice regularly. This is due to the fibre content in celery, which can be challenging for some people to digest in large quantities.
  2. Allergic Reactions: Celery is one of the “Big Eight” allergens that can cause allergic reactions. If you have a known celery allergy or are sensitive to other foods in the same family (such as carrots, parsley, or fennel), consuming celery juice can trigger allergic symptoms.
  3. Skin Sensitivity: Celery contains psoralens, compounds that can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. If you drink large quantities of celery juice daily, it could potentially lead to increased sun sensitivity.
  4. Medication Interactions: Celery contains natural compounds that might interact with certain medications. For example, people taking blood-thinning medications or those with kidney issues should consult a healthcare professional before consuming large amounts of celery juice regularly.
  5. Sodium Intake: Celery contains naturally occurring sodium. While it’s generally not a concern for most people, those on a low-sodium diet or with certain medical conditions might need to monitor their intake.
  6. Blood Sugar Impact: Celery contains carbohydrates, including natural sugars. If you have diabetes or are concerned about blood sugar levels, drinking large amounts of celery juice without considering its carbohydrate content might affect blood sugar control.
  7. Overconsumption of Vitamin K: While vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health, consuming excessively high amounts can interact with blood-thinning medications. Celery is a source of vitamin K, so it’s worth monitoring if you’re taking such medications.
  8. Imbalanced Diet: Relying heavily on celery juice might lead to an imbalanced diet, as it lacks the variety of nutrients found in whole foods.

Although celery juice has had a substantial positive impact on my lifestyle and I experience benefits from drinking celery juice, scientific evidence supporting these specific benefits is limited and requires further research. It’s important to note that individual responses to celery juice can vary widely. As with any health-related practice, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before significantly changing your diet or lifestyle. 

Sources –

Medical medium – celery juice benefits

Clean Juice- celery juice benefits


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